Thinking of Having a go ?

We are a friendly group of people so please don't be afraid to come along.

Simply apply to go on one of our courses (see below for details), then attend the regulation six lessons that make you eligible to become a club member. We supply all of the equipment for the beginners courses so just come along and have some fun.

Who can enjoy Archery ?

Young and old alike can come and have a go.  We already have a vast range of abilities and age groups within our club that make the most of our facilities. Be prepared for some rib tickling (it's what we're good at). The only sensible bit is safety (we do take that seriously)

Course Details

Courses are run throughout the summer, currently on a Wednesday evening.

They are made up of 6 consecutive weeks and it costs £80 per person for the whole course.

For details you can email us at

Perhaps this is an ideal Christmas or Birthday present for the person with everything!

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